Pharmaceutical Dust Collector
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Pharmaceutical Dust Collector

Tablet Compression Dust Collector
ACMAN pharma cartridge dust collector for tablet press machine has applied in pharmaceutical market for 10 years, tablet compression machine like FETTE compressor, LONGLI, BOSCH...have dust extraction port and need de-dusting when it is working.
Our deduster for tablet press machine use stainless material for pharma cleanroom, have small airflow but high pressure. the efficiency could reach F9 emission, also the noise is less than normal unit in market.
The pulse cleaning mode make the dust extractor working in a stable pressure condition.

Pharmaceutical Coating Dust Collection
Pharma coating machine/Tablet coater is a pharma process are wildly used in drug and bio factory. it have hot wind system, also it need exhaust air de-dusting system.
ACMAN provide coater dust extraction system for this special condition. The raw gas has its temperature and the process is working continuously. we have solution for 75kg coater/150kg coaters...
The cleaning mode is special in pharma area, while cleaning, we should change the valve access which will protect the filters.

Fluidized Bed Dryer Dust Extraction
Fluidized bed dryer or granulator, like GLATT Germany, have filter bags in the fluid-bed. but that is not enough because the bag filters's efficiency is not so high.
So it need second filtration equipment for the exhaust air treatment. ACMAN has a unique designed granulator dust extractor in this process.
The centrifugal fan in this system has extremely ultra-high pressure, so the equipment has a high pressure resistance design.
In addition, the cleaning mode is also very important....

Capsule filling machine dust collection system
Capsule filling process in pharmaceutical industry is a dust emission source.
ACMAN has our own dust extraction filter unit for capsule filling machine.
Based on GMP (GOOD MANUFACTURING PRACTICE), it need easy cleaning smooth surface, stainless steel 304 material and F9/H13 emission, ACMAN has our own cartridge pulse-jet pharma dust collector for this process .
The dust extraction in the filling cabinet making the capsule filling more cleaning.

Pharma HVAC
In pharmaceutical factory, it has air conditioner ventilation system in the cleanroom.
The raw gas need to purified by ACMAN pulse cartridge dust collector unit before emission to the atmosphere.
This dust collector meet for GMP standards, by using stainless steel material, and it smooth surface is easy for the cleaning requirements.
Its F9-H11 cartridge filters have high efficiency.

BIBO Filter Housing for active pharmaceutical Ingredient
In ventilations, tablet compressing process, fluidized bed granulation process, blister packing, dispensing, API, carcinogenic, toxic powder can not contact direct to the operaters.
Thanks for the BIBO(bag in bag out) filter housing, we have safe access to change/replace the HEPA filters, cartridge filters....

Pharmaceutical Pulverizer Dust Collector
The pulverizer need a dust collector with a dust extraction hoods while feeding the materials.
Seeing in the pictures, the dust collector unit use stainless steel 304, which meet the GMP standards.
Its portable design and easy cleaning surface, which is widely applicated in pharmaceutical pulverizing room and weighting room.
This machine had sold over 6000sets.